KujaEcoPad Ambitions

Hear From One Girl


Q/ Can you tell me your name?
A/ My name is KAHINDI SOPHIA, I am 16 years old, I came from Rutshuru / Kiwandja.
Q/ what are you doing in this refugee camp?
A/ I am a war displaced person, I fled the war between the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo) and the M23 (a Rwandan rebel movement),
Q/How do you live in this camp here at SHAHA?
A/ I live like a refugee, a displaced person, that's all.
Q/ During your period, what kind of linens do you use?
A/ during my menstrual period I use the pieces of dirty clothes because I don't have the money to pay for the cotex, my family is too poor for that.
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